Tuesday, March 6, 2012

PSA: "Free" Toothpaste

One of Sak's favorite blogs, grocery coupon guide, mentioned a pretty good deal - now until Saturday, Walgreen's has free toothpaste.  He thought you'd all like to know.
Or rather, you buy a $3 tube of toothpaste, and they will give you a $3 voucher to use in the store. (Double check to make sure the price tag on the Colgate says you get money back.)  Or, if you save your newspaper coupons, use the Colgate manufacturing coupon and actually make a little bit of money.  Sak had a net gain of about 50 cents using his coupon.

May the toothpaste be with you.


  1. I can never be fussed to carry around coupons. When I try, I never remember to use them. I bow down to your couponing skills.

    1. haha! Sak did all the work. I am not organized enough :P

  2. I'm awful about using coupons, but seriously deals like this are so awesome! I need to get better at this!

  3. Nice! My husband will appreciate this - he is the couponer in the family :)

  4. um. I feel like I accidentally opened a floodgate here. But I'm glad you're {finally} cashing in!

    1. Yes, you did! Sak loves his coupons. LOVES. My mom and grandmother save their coupons for him, haha!

  5. i'm bad about using coupons as well--shame on me.

  6. Word! I am all over this, I sent it to my friends & family. Thanks for the info!!


  7. I love coupons!! Thanks for this lil tid bit!

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