Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Honey Basil Drink

Sak and I, along with all our siblings, spent a lovely (rainy) Saturday traipsing around SF's Japantown and Clement Street.

Penga-Sis bought this interesting honey basil seed drink.  The taste was of honey and citrus, not too bad.
But the basil seed texture was kinda..weird! Which is why half the bottle is still left in the fridge.  I think I'll leave it there until Penga-Sis comes back to visit again. Maybe it'll mutate!
Penga-Sis said they kind of look like frog eggs...kero kero!


  1. The drink looks like a weird dragonfruit drink I had in Costa Rica - definitely a strange texture! Sorry it rained on you - we are getting dumped on lately!

  2. Haha I've seen that one before! It definitely looks gross. Like little mold babies swimming... swimming... swimming...

    What if a basil plant grows in your stomach??? :oP

  3. it kinda reminds me of what passionfruit looks like, but for some reason it weirds me out a lot more!

  4. Ahhh.. I don't know if I could drink that, it does look exactly like frog eggs >.< I like a nice Ramune when I go to Japantown myself :)

  5. The seeds look like they would be a interesting texture in a drink.

  6. I've had a honey basil gimlet before that was really, really good. Such great flavors together. But I'm not sure I'd like the seeds in there!

  7. I was going to say the same thing about the seeds... shudder... I wish I'd visited Japantown when we were in SF last year. Boos.


Your thoughts - go!