Monday, March 12, 2012

"T" Shirt

Sak's best friend from Hawaii has a t-shirt design up for voting at Threadless - it's a lot of fun and would be perfect for anyone who has a T in their name! Plus there's a Totoro. You can't say no to a Totoro.
Please, if you have can spare a few moments to give him a vote, it'd be much appreciated! It's only running for a couple more days!


  1. Awesome shirt - I'll head over to vote now :)

  2. Done, and spreading the word!! T is for Todd and his last name (and our baby-to-be's last name) -- pair that with the Totoro in the mix, and this is perfect!!

  3. Heading over to vote now! Such a cool design!

  4. Very good written article. It will be supportive to anyone who utilizes it, including me. Keep doing what you are doing – can’r wait to read more posts. customized t shirts


Your thoughts - go!