Thursday, May 16, 2013

Talking Shop Pt. 2

We got our Fanime Artist Alley table number, woo! (We're the lil table in the pinky purple circle!)
Right next to the bathrooms, yessss.  The hall is super long though, I wonder what it'll look like in person?
I'm glad we got placed next to our friends R & J, who are selling their famous crocheted pokeballs. Should be fun times! Or stress. Or both.

Here's my old man buttons so far - only a few more days but I'm hoping to add Splinter from TMNT and maybe Armstrong from FMA?  Can you recognize any of them??
I can't decide which is my favorite, but I'm really leaning towards Yugi's Grandpa because he looks like a crazy troll.

And in case you're worried - I do have more normal buttons in addition to the old dudes. But they are so fun to doodle!

As a side - this weekend is Maker Faire in San Mateo - we'll be going on Saturday, anyone else going? Can't wait! :D

Friday, May 10, 2013

Talking Shop

*Climbs up* I guess I fell off the face of the internet again. @_@ 

And I hate to use the second* most overused excuse - I was busy.  But it's true :P  We re-orgged at work, giving me a whole new set of things to learn and be responsible for. I like the challenge, but it's a bit stressful!

Also, I was ordained as a deacon at church.  Deacons, in general, help care for the congregation, be it physical or spiritual/prayer needs.  It's an absolute honor, but as the youngest deacon - I'm very inexperienced and unequipped. I just have to have faith that God will provide whatever I am lacking! :P

And lastly, I'm prepping for my very first sales experience! It makes me nervous just thinking about it - Friend E and I have a table in Fanime's Artist Alley this year.  I made some fun "business" cards for the experience (please excuse the phone pics):

We'll be selling bags, buttons, bookmarks and greeting cards.  So if you're going to Fanime this year (Memorial Day weekend), please, please stop by and say hi! Prices will be cheap 'cause who doesn't love cheap?! Haha.

Aren't the fabrics cute? I got most of them in Hawaii  : ) 

Artist Alley is in the South Hall this year, which is the big blue tent behind the main convention center.  I don't know where our table will be exactly, but we'll be there!

I still have some bags to finish, and a slew of buttons to punch out. Our loose theme for buttons is "old anime men" (like Gendo, Master Roshi, Uncle Iroh, etc.) since I believe that's an untapped market (perhaps for good reason, lol). If you have any ideas for those I'd love to hear 'em!

Anyway, please bear with me for a couple more weeks as Fanime comes and goes.  Then hopefully I can come back full force >.>"  But we're also going to SD Comic-Con this year too, so who knows! :P

*The first excuse, at least among bloggers of my age, would be to announce a pregnancy - which I am not doing, but Happy Mother's Day to all you mommies out there! :3