Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Fun & Give-away Winner

So I could just cut to the chase and announce the mini-food kit winner now, but what fun would that be? Instead you'll have to bear through a few random things I've found interesting lately. Ha!

While celebrating a friend's birthday in SF, we ducked into the fancy stores to use the fancy restrooms. I mean, why not? One store (I think it was Neiman's?) had this amazing gigantic mirror that I really want. Can I make this? It looks just like the window out of Darth Vader's tie fighter or something.

Next we have a gift from my brother - because I wouldn't shut up about how fun this strategy board game was. My cousins in DC introduced Sak and I to 7 Wonders, and it's pretty cool.  I especially like how there's not as much sabotage (unlike say, Settlers with the robber), so it's good for people that are bad sports. Haha! Anyway, I've played it like four times now, and every time I'm dead last, but I still enjoy the game. (And I will get better! I will, I will!)

On another note, we started a new study in our small group.  I was skeptical at first since this book (The Helper) on the Holy Spirit was written in the 70's and there's no questions (how can I study if they don't ask questions?!). But this devotional-style book is probably the best study I've ever done, in that it really has been convicting me to think/reflect/pray. I think it's interesting that my anxiety started popping up around the same time I started becoming more aware of the Spirit (seriously, for a non-charismatic church girl, I think the Spirit is the least discussed of the trinity).  So I think He's trying to guide my life (and probably always has been), and I'm just now starting to listen.  Of course, I still have no idea what the plan is, so I'm stuck with the anxiety for the meantime.  Hopefully with more prayer I'll be able to understand what He wants! (And then even more prayer that I'll actually obey when it becomes known..haha >.>")

Lastly, Penga-Sis has been using this face scrub, so we bought one to see what the fuss was about.

Sak: "Looks like a stain pre-treater."

Feeling like dirty laundry aside, I like it, and best of all, when you run out of soap you can refill it and use whatever soap you like with the scrubber head.
(Garnier The Brusher)
Okay, enough random thoughts. Time for the winner!
And that would be eypang!

Please send me an email eypang and let me know where you'd like your mini-food kit sent! My email is pengawenga at gmail.

And special thanks to everyone for participating! :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Roann's Buttons v2

I've had the pleasure of making buttons for Sak's friend Roann in the past - so I was super excited to see the new designs he came up with! Can you tell the theme?
Zodiac animals!  In brush paint style, pretty cool!

Looking at the bunny button reminds me...we still have the bunnies! For whatever reason, it appears that we are keeping them? Which is fine, I will treat them well, but it wasn't really the original plan. They are rather big now! And it's hard to trim their nails because they are ridiculously squiggly. They also need names. I was thinking Bempi and Rhea, but Sak's against it because bempi is Japanese for constipation, and Rhea short for diarrhea. Haha! They are cute names if you don't think about the meaning..muahaha. Other alternatives are Crazy and Lazy, or Humper and Thumper. That's right, I think one is a boy. I need them to be old enough to get fixed at the vet! (Until then, their pen is separated in half.)

Anyway, back to buttons. Though I am an ox, my favorite has to be the chicken and the monkey..
Their big eyeballs are so funny! I love it.

Ox are supposed to be hard working and stubborn, I think. I guess that describes us. Though sometimes
we're pretty lazy too. :P

What animal represents you in the zodiac?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

DIY Duct Tape Bow

What can you do on a long car trip, with just a roll of duct tape? How about some cute bows?
Penga-Sis actually sat in the back of the car while Sak drove us to Salinas, so this tutorial is really from her!
She bought this fun tape from the brand new Hobby Lobby that opened in Morgan Hill! I've been dying to go since I'd only heard of them online before - this is the closest one to the Bay Area I believe. It's a pretty cool store - kind of like a cross between Michaels, Joanns, and Home Goods. Ha!

Anyway, double fold the tape to get a nice, sturdy base.

Pinch, and wrap a small piece of tape around the center.

Add a hair tie or clip if you like!

She also made a smaller bow into a ring!
So next time you're on a road trip - don't forget the duct tape! Haha!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy Kitchen Mini Burgers (& Give-away!)

Mini food! Sign me up!
Penga-Sis helped me out, of course, since this is a mini meal for two!
Here's the kit. The instructions are in Japanese, but between the pictures and Sak's help, we were able to figure it out!
Cut the trays, and then mix the fry powder with the required scoops of water!
Microwave at 500~600W for 30 seconds, and then cut the fries!
Then mix the meat patty powder and the bun powder, and microwave again in their respective trays.  This stuff is crazy, the meat actually smells like beef! Like...beef cup noodle beef. Haha!
Cut each of the three in half, creating enough bun/meat for two burgers. But first! Lets make the cheese!
Smells like kraft mac&cheese.

And ketchup. Which is pretty much actual ketchup. So cool!

Now we can put the burgers together!
And make little flags and fry bag! (we cut a toothpick in half for the flags)
But we can't forget the actually fizzes!
I liked eating the fries, and Penga-Sis liked the rest, but I'll say that the fun in this kit is really in the "cooking" part. It's a perfect, quick little treat to put together with a young kid or anyone that squeals over cute miniature things. Edible cute miniature things to boot! *squeeeeeee*

Now for the fun part - I have another kit to give away! YAY! Just leave a comment on this post and tell me one of your favorite burger toppings. I like a fried egg. Or a big juicy tomato slice. Or avocado. Mmm.

Anyway, one entry per person, and a winner will be randomly picked via random number generator. You have until midnight, Thursday Sept. 27 to enter, and I'll announce the winner on Friday! :) (And if you'd rather skip the giveaway, I found this at Nijiya Market for around $6. Lol. They have other mini food kits too! I want to try them all!)
Link is unsure of this whole burger business..@_@

Thursday, September 20, 2012

DIY Area Rug: 1/4th

Okay, so it's been more than half a year..but we finally finished one grid of rug! (The last update, which includes rug making instructions, is here.)
So thick and plushy!

Anyway, I'm looking into ways to seal the back of it so that it doesn't come apart.
I found a rug backing at Michael's, but it's kind of pricey (~$10) and doesn't cover much area (only 6 square feet). Though given how much time we're putting into this project, the cost might be worth it! There's always 40% off coupons, haha!
Pajama shot for size reference? 
It's about 2.5x4 feet right now. I need to make three more of these rectangles, and put them together into one big rug! To connect the grids, I'm hoping that overlapping and then pulling the yarn through will be fine. When I get to the next update I'll be sure to share how that turns out.

I've been getting back into the TV + rug work combo now that it's been getting cooler. A warm summer night with a few pounds of yarn on your lap? Not the most comfortable! I think this may be like crocheting a scarf, it's best done cuddled up in the winter with a cup of hot tea!

Though sometimes I wish I did a super intricate design (it'd definitely be more unique and epic), I really like that I can watch TV and not really worry about losing my place while working.

Now, onward to grid #2!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sweet Treats

So I'm supposedly on a healthy-penga diet so I can fit into my sundresses again for when we go back to Hawaii this winter (YAY!). But I can't resist trying out a new food - especially if it's sweet!

How about an ice cream taiyaki?

So cute!
Filled with red bean and some sort of frozen soft cream/whip creamish stuff.

Or this candy, that promises an archaeological dig inside it's milk chocolaty goodness?
Okay, so this one was pretty disappointing. I thought it would come with an mini tool for digging. Nope, nothing! And I'm not sure the gummy inside really resembles a dino, but then I did let it half-melt in the car for a while...

A little more grown-up, how about a tasty thai tea popsicle?
These are seriously amazing. One of my favorite drinks, frozen on a stick! How can one resist? They also make a melon flavor that I really like too!

Anyway, it's good I have Sak and other family to help me eat all the interesting stuff I find. Or maybe I just need to stay in the vegetable aisles of grocery stores from now on. :P

Have you discovered a new sweet treat to indulge on this summer?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Labor Day in LA

For Labor Day weekend, we drove down to LA, picking my sister up along the way.  The trip was to visit friends and family, especially Cousin T who just moved down there after her wedding!
 We started at the zoo, thanks to tickets from my uncle! It was very hot. And the LA zoo is HUGE. So it was a very long day, haha.
West Nile Virus warning @_@
Poor little guy only has three legs..

Prairie dog girls!

Loved this goat rock exhibit! They were chasing each other around the whole rock!
This tree is cool! And dangerous!
A raccoon telling you to recycle. Makes sense, they love to dig through trash canes >.>"
After the zoo we went to the Galleria in Koreatown for lunch. Penga-Sis and Cousin T enjoyed Korean version bentos. The fruit salad/potato salad crossover was interesting.
I had a bibimbap style sashimi bowl. So tasty!
After some shopping, we met my Aunt and Uncle at their atelier (my uncle is a runway/wedding dress designer). We stopped by for a stroll at the LACMA, playing in their outdoor art installations.

Spaghetti strings!
Famous lamps!

Giant rock!
Penga-Sis is an earth bender, ya know~
And the end of a long day - with Jambas, pretzels, and cover bands at the Grove!
We checked out their American Girl store..holy cow, I would have died if they had this when I was younger. A full salon for your doll! I have a Molly doll in storage back at home, which I guess made me a pretty spoiled kid.

 The next day we all met up again (this time with my Cousin E too) and had dim sum lunch in Chinatown, followed by shopping of course. While I love SF Chinatown - LA's is the best I've ever been too for shopping. Tons of shop stalls all lined up together in a giant alley - it's seriously awesome.
They sell fake butts at Chinatown. Everyone needs a fake bum.
And no trip to LA is complete without a walk through Japantown as well! It was a good day of shopping, as I found two SKET Dance figures at Marukai. Seriously, buy your action figures through the grocery stores if you can find them - they are usually cheaper.
Cousin E, me and Penga-Sis. You can see all the strap charms she bought hanging out her pocket, as well as the awesome pixellated sunglasses she found for $5. 
Anyway, we had a great time, and I'm glad my Aunt and Cousin E got to hang out with us a bit, despite the whole family being super busy with their NY fashion week prep. And for once I didn't get sick! Usually LA dries me out and makes me feel gross, but I remembered to constantly hydrate and moisturize this time.

Me talking to Penga-Sis: "Put this lotion on so you don't turn into crispy duck"
Penga-Sis: "We're gonna eat crispy duck? That sounds good."

We should go to LA more often. When's that high speed rail coming again? Ha!