Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Strawberry Farm

Over the weekend, Sak and I met up with our Bible study small group (and their friends) to pick some strawberries to donate to the San Francisco City Team Ministries.

We went to Phipp's Farm in Pescadero (near Half Moon Bay), which was ridiculously cute with it's mini farm charm.

Each family in our group was supposed to bring a friend - and I am really sad to say that Sak and I are the only couple that didn't! We thought about it at the time - and our only friends in the area are from church. >.>"  So next time I am going to drive up to the City/East Bay and drag one of you unsuspecting folk with me before everyone figures out that we are awkward friendless losers. Haha!

Anyway, it was overcast that day - so picking berries was enjoyable and not a sweaty experience.

Most of the adults helped their kids pick berries, but since we are childless, Sak got his very own bucket to fill.

But then one of the kids said his berries were no good (quality control!), so he got discouraged and gave up soon.
Strawberry flower
Green berry (Which someone told Sak to eat. Don't eat them, trust me.)
Ripening berries
The farm also grew beans and other types of berries, though we only picked strawberries.  On the way in and out you pass by all the farm's chickens, geese, ducks, pheasants and even peacocks!

After a little picnic lunch, we headed back home to wash up our fruit.

We picked 27 pounds of delicious organic strawberries, and the City Team clients enjoyed it very much! Success!


  1. What a fun way to spend a weekend morning - I totally would have come! I love strawberries in the summer. And cute little tucked-away Bay Area farms :)

  2. Yum. Strawberries are delicious.

  3. Yum! I went to a strawberry farm years ago and it was so much fun!

  4. YUM! I love strawberries and remember picking them with my family when we were growing up.

  5. Ooo, yum. Fresh strawberries are to die for. So much better than the store-bought ones. My mom used to go to a roadside stand near our house growing up and get huge, delicious ones every summer!

  6. Ok, creepy, I drove by Pescadero on my way to Santa Cruz last weekend and thought about how fun it would be to stop by and pick strawberries. Did you get to keep an strawberries for yourself? What are you gonna do with em?

  7. oh how fun! i do love a good strawberry.

  8. Wow, 27 pounds, that's a lot of berries!

    Driving down the coast we always saw these types of places where you could pick your own berries, but sadly my hubs never wanted to do it.


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