Monday, July 11, 2011

Anniversary Chop

Well, I can't really call it a "Post-Wedding Chop", since it's practically our anniversary at this point.

For the past few years, I've been reveling in my long locks. They made me feel like a fancy princess that maybe one day could actually make authentic Princess Leia side buns.  Plus Sak said he liked long hair better than short.

But though it looked great for the wedding, over time it started to be high maintenance, and I started getting tired of it.  Yet still I did not get a haircut, because the only person I trust with my hair is in Salinas. Since buying our home,  I just haven't been "home" lately.

But finally I reached a breaking point (summer?). After threatening to cut it all off myself, Penga-Mom made an appointment in Salinas to force me to come home and get a proper cut.


Then to a braid:

And then, chop chop!

A little cleaning up:

And the final after:

This is actually the shortest I've ever had my hair. Ever! But I like it so far I think.  It's swishy and oh-so-light!  However, occasionally I'll reach back to tug on my long hair - only to find it gone.  I must have phantom hair syndrome. Hopefully that goes away.

Sak likes it much better than he thought he would, too.  He was opposed to short hair at first, because he didn't want me looking too much like my sister.  We may share family resemblance, but there's no way I'll ever match her spunk.  She's on a whole different level, so Sak has nothing to worry about.

By the way, Mom, Sister, and Sak all got haircuts as well. 

Anyway, I've got a foot-long braid in a plastic bag, waiting to be mailed to some hair-charity. Any preferences on which one I should send it to? Hopefully someone else can fulfill their Princess Leia dreams, because ultra-long hair is not for me anymore!


  1. Love! Oh my gosh you hair had gotten so long! It's so liberating to get rid of all that length. I love the new cut!

  2. You look GORGEOUS in that last photo. Absolutely stunning. I already love the short hair on you!

  3. your new haircut is awesome! and so perfect for summer. and damn--your hair had gotten long! don't you feel like a new person? new 'dos always have the effect. yay!

  4. Your haircut is so cute, love it!

  5. It looks great! I love that Sak came with you to the hair salon. Hilarious!

  6. It looks so great and summery!! :)

  7. Wow, I LOVE your new haircut! Very, very cute! And I totally had phantom hair syndrome when I chopped all my hair off a couple of months ago!

  8. Your new do with the side swept bangs make you look super sophisticated! Love it!!

  9. Your hair looks so good! I, too, had a braid of hair sitting in a bag at home - for close to a year - before a friend told me he knew someone personally who was in need of a hair donation. I got to send it directly to a young girl in need. That said, I was going to send it to locks of love and I've sent there before.

  10. Awesome!!! I can't believe how long your hair was!! I donated to Locks of Love recently (though my hairdresser collected it and was going to send in like 5 of them together, so I didn't have to do anything). I know Pantene takes donations, too, but that's all I've heard of.

    Your new 'do is fantastic!!

  11. You look adorable!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and I sent my PWC hair to Locks of Love, they seem like a good group.

  12. You look super cute!! The first picture after the chop you looked a lot like your sister though. :oP I didn't know your hair got so long!

  13. Wow, your cut looks great! It's so sleek and pretty!

  14. OMG OMG... even though I hate my short hair... your chop is WAY WAY WAYYYYY cute! I love it!

  15. Locks of love does sometimes make the recipients pay for the fees it takes to make the wigs, etc, so I'd look around before just agreeing to give it to them.


Your thoughts - go!