Wednesday, June 19, 2013

San Mateo County Fair 2013

I was really looking forward to the county fair this year - last year we got to see Boyz II Men, and this year they had another good lineup: headliners including the Whispers, Three Dog Night, and Starship.  We were going to buy a week pass for $17 so we could see it all, but then Sak got called away on business. Boo.

The one day he didn't have to work late was Thursday, which just so happened to be the day Starship (of "We Built This City" fame) was playing. Eighties music, YAY.
They sounded really good; it was a great concert.  Between Sak and I we knew maybe half the songs, and concerts are always more fun when you already know the songs :)

In addition to the concert, we enjoyed the usual fun fair things, like animals and floral arrangements and the random oddities sold in the vendor booths.

Abstract grass art? And a lounging panda, so cute!
SO. CUTE.  Bilbo's lil hobbity house. with real growing plants! Love!
I don't know what these flowers are but they were pretty!
So random. This booth sold scissors. Like, every type of scissors you could ever imagine. Just scissors. @_@
One of my favorite exhibits is always the recyclable craft section, so clever!
Corset made from shoelaces

Outdoor mat from an old garden hose, and a bag made from a Tsingtao calendar.
I think it was last year we saw the caprisun bag?  This year there was a caprisun vest!
The only thing I didn't do this year was pig out on fair food! No fried artichokes or funnel cake this time, because we actually ate a proper dinner beforehand and weren't hungry :P  It's a weird mix of  relief and disappointment. Haha!

Who's playing at your county fair this year?


  1. I WENT TOO!!!!!!!! I was super disappointed with the line up this year cause I didn't recognize ANY OF THEM. hahaha. EONS ago my favorite country star was just starting out, Brad Paisley, and I got free tickets to go but had a family vacation then or something. :( Oh I would've enjoyed Boyz II Men! :(

    Hehe I took the same pictures of the plants and Bilbo's house and lounging panda. :oP And I learned about 4-H, which I've never heard of before. I was like, what, there are clubs where you grow farm animals? They have them here in the Bay Area? Where do these people LIVE? :oP

    1. What! we should have gone together! I always wanted to be in 4-H as a kid but wasn't allowed, lol. Maybe they all live in half moon bay or something? @_@

    2. I KNOW! Next time we will coordinate going together. We only knew about it cause they put a billboard up outside our window. :oP

      LOL why weren't you allowed? Yep - lots in Half Moon Bay and I think there's a Pacifica chapter.

  2. i LOVE "we built this city"! aaahhh!


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