Monday, December 19, 2011

Origami Christmas Garland

Due to the craziness of December, I haven't been able to do many Christmas crafts.  But in any few moments I could find, I would fold these cute little stars:
I learned to fold them from this website.  It's fairly simple and many of the steps are the same as folding a crane!
Eventually I ran out of red and green origami paper, so I glued them to a ribbon!
 And hung the garland up on the fireplace mantle!

There's something so calming about folding paper during a TV show or other minute of downtime.  Plus it makes such a cute result! 

And for another super cool origami Christmas craft, check out Jennifer's crane ornaments! So cute!
Thanks Jennifer!


  1. Adorable! I think origami decorations are always so, so pretty!

  2. I love the garland! And I'm glad the ornament arrived intact!! Thanks for posting a pic of it on your tree! =) Merry Christmas!

  3. I love your garland, and the crane ornament is so cool!

    P.S. I got your package today! Thanks so much :)

  4. That garland is such a great way to spruce up an area for the holidays!

  5. Very informative post! There is a lot of information here that can help any business get started with a successful social networking campaign. origami box


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