Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can I tell you want I want for Christmas?

Tiger & Bunny Bedsheets!
(source) Mmm..Barnaby..
Totally kidding.  I wonder what Sak's reaction would be.  Though I seriously applaud the industry for thinking about the ladies more.  If they weren't so expensive I think it would make a great bachelorette gift for my friend T. So funny.

In other news, the K-ON movie was released in Japan.  That means limited edition paraphernalia at the local Lawson's convenience stores. Anime goods + cheap convenience store pricing = good.  Hopefully the in-laws  can find a few small things for Sak's Christmas present. K-ON's probably on his top ten favorite anime list.
Phone pic from the in-laws. The tins are cute, yeah?
And in more relevant news, the winner of last week's giveaway!
That would be you, Kim!  *throws confetti* Yaay!

Thanks everyone for participating! Next time I find a fun item and a decent reason to celebrate we'll do another little giveaway! :3

And..bonus question..who would you like to see on some bedsheets? Huu Huu Huu!


  1. You're adorable - it took a few moments to figure out what you meant by bedsheets. But I kind of love it now!

  2. This is going to sound like I have a fetish or something, but I don't, I swear. I'd love to have Totoro sheets! Lol! He's so cute and fluffy, especially when Mei naps on him, I think he'd be cute on sheets!

  3. @jennifer - lool totoro fetish! >.<! But I agree that is one of the cutest scenes!

  4. Yay! I love winning! Thank you . . . I didn't see your email on your site, but I'm at Love those sheets - I'll take some Matt Damon sheets, please :)

  5. Hahah those bedsheets are hilarious!

  6. Haha, those sheets are so funny!


Your thoughts - go!