Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tai Chi

When I was young, I'd spend every Chinese holiday, sitting in the back of a multi-purpose room in a stuffy brocade jacket, waiting to serve food.  My gung gung (grandfather) was the head of the local Chinese association, and he'd have these parties where guests might watch a lion dance, view VHS tapes of China, and then participate in a little tai chi.

And I remember tai chi being very boring, and for old people.

Well, now I've started attending a tai chi class twice a week.  So either I've become old and boring - or I must ironically now eat my judgemental words of yesteryear.

Yes, it's slow. Yes, more time is spent in warm-ups than actually doing any of the cool looking forms.  But you know - it's incredibly relaxing.  Peaceful.  And I really like it.  Even if I'm not burning calories, anything to keep one's blood circulating and energy flowing is a good thing, right?  Now if only I could do it gracefully.

Anyway, next time I visit my gung gung I will have to tell him about my new afternoon hobby.
My lovely grandparents in red.  I must be wallowing around under the table or something.
Have you practiced tai chi before?


  1. Good for you! I've never practiced tai chi, but there are groups of people that do it all over the city. I've seen groups in Golden Gate Park and Dolores Park at the crack of dawn. It does seem like a peaceful exercise. Love the photos of your grandparents :)

  2. I've wanted to practice it forever, I love that you're doing it! So awesome, your gung gung must be proud of you :)

  3. It seems like a calming, soothing activity, especially when life is probably hectic with your new housemate of late! =)

  4. LOL you are an old lady! :oP What a cute picture :]

  5. i haven't, but i see it all the time here! =) people will be doing it in groups (or by themselves with their own personal music!) outside at 6 AM!

  6. Awesome! I tried yoga, like, once and I was like yeah... no. I just don't have the patience for that kinda stuff. But then I guess that's what it's supposed to teach you?

  7. My mom got into it hard core. Her group uses props; canes, faux swords, and rope/scarves. They get up at the butt crack of dawn and descend onto Golden Gate Park, an army of old Asian people.


Your thoughts - go!