Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Do you like monthly subscription services?  I've always been intrigued by birchbox, even though I rarely use make-up.  I bought my grandmother a tea-of-the-month subscription once - it was pretty cool but she ended up with way too much tea.

Anyway, Friend E/Cousin T told me about this monthly subscription for videogame/anime/pop culture paraphernalia, and I couldn't resist trying it out!

It's called Lootcrate, and each month they send out a box of goodies loosely based on a theme.  My first box, May, was "adventure" themed.  I signed up for the 3 month plan to try it out - each box is ~$12 +s/h, and they say each one has a retail value of at least $40.  Of course, it's all random stuff - so I guess you have to decide whether it's worth the price for a surprise.
They send a tracking code when it gets near the time of arrival (end of month) - luckily ours was delivered after we returned from the convention!
Well, what have we got? A fancy word-art Link shirt? Keeping!  Minecraft and Adventure Time action figures? For Penga-Sis.  Stickers and a techno gamey music from a show I don't watch? Why not? Collectible Lootcrate pin too.

And a reallly cool bottle opener.
 I will give it to my brother, since he drinks more beer than I do.

Anyway, just my own estimates on stuff worth..

Shirt: $10-$20
Minecraft hanger: ~$8 on amazon
Adventure Time mystery tin: ~$8 on amazon
Zelda bottle opener, CD and stickers: ???

So I guess it's safe to say the box is worth at least the $12+ I paid! Haha.  I like this service a lot! It's a surprise present for every month! And no, I am not paid in boxes or otherwise for this 'review'. :P

I can start stockpiling Christmas/birthday presents for my friends and fam since between them all they represent the entire gamut of fandoms.  Except for Friend E, cause he already subscribed to his own boxes :P

Anyway, I think this would be a great present for that geeky friend/family member that is hard to buy for. I can't wait for our June box!


  1. AW that sounds like a lot of fun!!! Though I'm worried I'll end up with more junk (and I'm trying really hard not to junk!) I mean treasures. You're smart for stockpiling for presents... but I don't think I have enough geeky friends. :oP

  2. How fun!! I hope this idea of specialized subscriptions takes off -- I'd love a crafting supply one! Lol!


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