Monday, January 27, 2014

DIY Espurr Felty

Since Pokemon X&Y have come out, I've logged 216 hours, and gained many pounds. I stopped crafting and blogging. It's not pretty, people.

In an attempt to find balance again, I spent all day today playing blog post catch up.  So there will be a sudden influx of outdated posts, ha. Sorry in advance.  I also put myself on a mild diet to hopefully fit into my pants again, and I tried doing a small craft to get back into the swing of things.  Pokemon related, naturally.

Espurr, psychic pokemon - cute but with creepy, vacant eyes - is one of my new favorites.
Actually I have to credit Penga-Sis for pushing the felty idea.  She wanted to make half a Marco (AoT reference), and once the felt box was out I couldn't resist.

2 grey body pieces
Sew on details of the top piece.
And then blanket stitch the two body pieces together.
I'll probably make him into a hairclip or something.  I know the eyes aren't quite the right color but I improvised with the felt I had on hand.

I'm not going to stop playing completely - I've got a pokedex to finish and I find IV/EV training and trading pokemon much too enjoyable.  But maybe I can slow it down a bit and try to alternate gaming and crafts? Here's hoping!


Your thoughts - go!