Recently I had the great opportunity to make some Dr. Who stationery for a lovely lady, and I was very excited about being asked that I made some more designs in addition to the ones I blogged about before. :3
Also, they just announced the new doctor! Though I think it'll be hard for me to be anything other than a David Tennant fangirl. Huhuhu.
Here's 10th doctor's sonic screwdriver, on a brown striped paper, not too unlike his iconic suit!
It says allons-y on the inside!
How about a cute quote to go along with it?
And finally, a little River Song!
Sorry these are all phone pics, but it was a pretty fun project!
In exchange, she sent me a box of fun goodies and snacks from the East Coast! SO FUN. I was especially intrigued by this Amish Friendship Soup, which I made for dinner the following night.
It made like, a week's worth of food! So crazy. It was good, I'll have to find a recipe online and make some again later.
Trying new things is awesome. Though maybe not fish fingers and custard.
love your dr. who designs!