Monday, July 16, 2012

Cooking with Friends: Saag Paneer

First of all, go check out Mina-Pug's scrumptious saag paneer recipe! It's a winner, as you can see from DBZ's Goku and Vegeta below!

Thanks Mina-Pug and Sister-Pug for your yummy recipe! And for giving me the opportunity to play with my toys >.>" It's super-saiyan approved! Hur hur hur.


  1. I love your "Cooking with Friends" series, and the saag paneer looks amazing! I OD'd on Indian food last night, and we still have an entire refrigerator full - at least we won't have to cook this week :)

  2. thanks for the shout-out penga! your version is so much more entertaining!

  3. Haha LOVE your food posts with action figures! :D

  4. I drooled over Pug's post and still haven't made saag paneer, thanks for the kick in the pants! I need to make this soon!

  5. OMG! This is hilarious!! Action figures FTW!


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