Tuesday, April 24, 2012

DIY Zelda Rupee Soap

Penga-Sis was over for the weekend..and we made a lot of soap (including some brown carbonite Han Solos, which are now updated in my previous post).

Specifically, we used some of my digit silicone molds to make rupees, the colorful gem currency from Zelda!
zelda soap rupees link
Link.  He's in your house, stealin' your rupees.
Using the same double-boiling method we used for Han, once the soap was melted we added a drop of essential oil and food coloring for color.

Red is vanilla pomegranite scent, blue is jasmine scent, and green is cucumber green tea!
zelda rupee soap
We also bought a fourth scent, "fresh linen" that should really be called "teenage boy".  It's like a super strong Axe scent!  Penga-Sis used it on one of her soaps, and the kitchen STILL smells like it! :P
Anyway, while buying the man-scented oil, Penga-Sis thought we should try the clear glycerin soap for even more realistic gems.  Brilliant!
Uh.  Soap making may just be my new favorite hobby.  Don't tell my sewing machine.
diy zelda rupee soap
Penga-Sis says we should go into business.  The red soap would cost $20, the blue one $5, and the green soap $1.  HAHA, get it? Totally kidding though.

Anyway, I totally have Zelda cravings now.  I still haven't played Skyward Sword.  Someone lend my cheap self a copy. >.>"


  1. I love the look of the clear glycerin, definitely adds to the gem like quality!

  2. I have the "Legend of Zelda" theme song stuck in my head now. I used to watch my dad and brother play the Super Nintendo version for hours on end when I was younger. Cute soaps, and genius about the clear glycerin.

    1. I used to watch my brother play for hours when I was younger too! Now I can't figure out why I thought was so interesting to "watch" someone else play...

    2. watching others play isn't always so bad, you can back-seat play. "NO, stupid! TURN LEFT. LEFT! The box is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!" hehehe.

  3. Love the clear glycerin rupees! Bet my hubs would totally love them too, he's a big Zelda fan. He finished the Skyward Sword a few months ago, but my favorite one was the Game Cube Zelda (can't remember the name). It was so fun to watch!

    1. Windwaker? That's one of my favorites! The animations were so fun :)

  4. ooh the glycerin ones are so cool--they definitely have the jewel thing going for them.

  5. You and your sister are soooooooooooo ridiculously cute. Like, you guys make me and my sisters look like chopped liver and we're adorable! I wish we bonded over crafts like you girls.

    1. We also fight like cats though. HAHA! Sisters are good things to have!

  6. I'm in love with this. So very cool.

    Where can I find a mold like that? Amazing.

    1. I got them from thinkgeek, theyre called digit cake molds. Not sure if they still sell them, but maybe ebay or amazon would have them if not!


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